Formals Shot List
- Full family group
- Full wedding guest group, if possible
- Bride with family, add in Groom
- Groom with family, add in Groom
- Bride and Groom with families
- Bride with Mom, Bride with Dad
- Groom with Mom, Groom with Dad
- Bride with siblings, Groom with siblings
- Bride and Groom with kids (if any)
- Bride and Groom's kids
- Bride with kids
- Groom with kids
- Kids with Grandparents/Great-Grandparents
- Bride and Groom with Grandparents
- Any other Bride and Groom's loved ones
- Full wedding party
- Full wedding party having fun
- Bride and Bridesmaids
- Groom with Bridesmaids
- Each Bridesmaid
- Bride and Groom with Flower Girl
- Bride and Groom with Ring Bearer
- Flower Girl and Ring Bearer
- Groom with Groomsmen
- Bride with Groomsmen
- Each Groomsman
- Each couple
- Rings
- Bride and Groom portraits
- Bride portraits
- Groom portraits